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Light and Fluffy?

This recipe is kind of like a lemon meringue pie. Except that the meringue is mixed in.

You start by making a lemon curd. This is a fairly simple process, it just takes some time and some patience.

The you mix in the gelatin. This causes the curd to harden quite well. Perhaps a little too well.

My curd, after chilling, was very molded. I did not bring it to room temperature before attempting to mix it into the meringue. I think this would have been a smart move - so I highly recommend you do it when you try this recipe.

I did end up using a mixer to combine the meringue and the curd.

I don’t think this was 100% successful. The filling did not have the smooth texture I think it should have had.

So the pie tasted great. But it wasn’t quite as light and fluffy as I think it should have been.


1 Envelope Unflavored Gelatin

1/4 Cup Cold Water

4 Egg Yolks, Beaten

1/2 Cup Sugar

1/4 Teaspoon Salt

1/4 Cup Lemon Juice

1/4 Teaspoon Grated Lemon Rind

4 Egg Whites, Beaten Stiff

1/4 Cup Sugar

1 Baked 9 Inch Crumb Crust

Soak gelatin in cold water. Combine egg yolks, sugar and salt. Add lemon juice and rind. Cook over boiling water, stirring constantly until thick. Stir in gelatin. Chill until thick and syrupy. Beat egg whites with sugar. Fold into egg yolk mixture. Turn into crust. Chill until firm, at least 3 hours.

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