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Light and Bright Chicken

This recipe doesn’t have spices. This concerns me! I am always concerned when recipes have no salt and pepper at the very least.

Thankfully, the soy sauce adds enough salt. The garlic is subtle, but just enough to taste.

The combination of ingredients are nice – not too salty, not too sweet. I have had savory dishes with fruit in them before and they tend to be a little too much on the sweet side. The pineapple in this dish absorbs some of the other ingredients to cut the sweetness level.

This is also a very forgiving dish! My husband was 45 minutes late getting home from work the night I made this. So it sat for at least 30 minutes off the heat once it was done. The sauce thickened up, but it didn’t die.

I served the dish over rice with the Green Beans with Herbs, the Icebox Rolls.


8 ounce Pineapple Chunks In Heavy Syrup

2 Pounds Chicken Parts

2 Tablespoons Shortening

1 Can Chicken Broth

¼ Cup Vinegar

2 Tablespoons Brown Sugar

2 Teaspoons Soy Sauce

1 Large Clove Garlic, Minced

1 Medium Bell Pepper, Diced

3 Tablespoons Cornstarch

¼ Cup Water

Drain Pineapple chunks, reserve syrup. In a skillet, brown chicken in shortening; pour off fat. Add reserved syrup, broth, vinegar, sugar, soy and garlic. Cover; cook over low heat 40 minutes. Add bell pepper and pineapple chunks. Cook 5 minutes more. Stir occasionally. Combine cornstarch and water. Gradually stir into sauce. Cook, stirring until thickened. Serve with rice or noodles.

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Jun 25, 2021

Sounds good! My love/hate relationship with garlic is an issue, tho! Maybe you can help me get around that!

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