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Leftover Turkey Made Great

We love a curry in our house. It is a great meal with a ton of flavor.

This recipe was great post Thanksgiving dish to use up some of our leftover turkey.

The mushrooms add a nice earthiness to the dish. My mushrooms were a little on the large size. I wanted to leave them whole, but they were just too big. So I ended up quartering them.

They were large enough to have nice mushrooms bites, but not too large that you would have to cut them.

The apple was a nice sweet moment in the entree. I enjoy curry with apple. It helps cut some of the spice.

I used just a little bit more than the 1 1/2 teaspoons of curry powder called for. I used a yellow curry powder, but I really think a green or red curry would be nice as well.

The sauce was nice and thick, but still thin enough to coat the rice.

This was a wonderful way to use my leftovers, and it was delicious!


1 Cup Mushrooms

1/3 Cup Minced Onion

1 Large Apple, Pared and Diced

3 Cups Diced Cooked Turkey

6 Tablespoons Fat

3 Tablespoons Flour

1/2 Teaspoon Salt

1 1/2 Teaspoons Curry Powder

1 1/2 Cups Turkey Stock

Cook mushrooms, onion, apple and turkey in the fat until the onion and apple are tender, about 10 to 15 minutes. If fresh mushrooms are used, sauté several minutes before adding other ingredients. Remove from heat, blend in flour, salt and curry powder. Add liquid and cook until thickened, stirring constantly. Place over hot water, cover and cook 15 minutes longer. Add more seasonings if desired. Serve with hot rice.

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