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It Was Surprising!

For some reason I had it in my head that deviled has was going to be disgusting. I think this is because of the ham salad my mother would make in my youth. It was basically a can of deviled ham with mayonnaise and that’s it. I hated it! She would send it in our lunches, so you can imagine what that would taste like after sitting in a brown bag for hours!

I was not looking forward to this recipe because of my past deviled ham trauma. But, like with all the other recipes in this adventure, I am determined to give it a try.

I did end up chopping the deviled ham a bit more than how it came out of the can. The chunks seemed to large for a dip.

Also, this isn’t really a dip. It’s more like a spread. You definitely need a knife!

The dip gives you a ham roll taste. It’s actually really good.

I think I might have added a touch more of the Worcestershire, but other than that – the flavors meld well together. The pickle gives you a nice tartness.

I served the dip with crackers. I definitely recommend giving this a try!


16 Ounces Cream Cheese

12 Ounces Deviled Ham

1 Teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce

¼ Teaspoon Onion Salt

¼ Cup Chopped Dill Pickle

Soften cream cheese then add to a bowl. Add ham, Worcestershire, and onion salt; blend well. Stir in pickle. Refrigerate 1 hour.

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