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It's Interesting . . .

Salads have become things of wonder of late. I am amazed by some of the salads available when we go out to eat.

I never really thought you needed a recipe to make a salad. I mean, it’s lettuce right. So color me amazed that there is an entire cookbook devoted to salads by Good Housekeeping. There are some VERY imaginative ones in the book too.

This is basically a fruit salad, with some lettuce. I know a lot of people eat fruit and cottage cheese. So that didn’t seem too out there.

What did seem out there was mixing it all together!

The cottage cheese and salad dressing blend to make a curd filled creamy salad dressing. Unfortunately, this combination causes the lettuce to wilt very quickly.

I made the salad maybe 5 minutes before serving, but by the time I got around to eating my salad (Maybe 10 minutes later) it was already soggy. I don’t like soggy lettuce!

Overall the flavor wasn’t bad. As I said, the cottage cheese and salad dressing actually go nice together. The fruit gives you sweetness and crunch. If the lettuce hadn’t been soggy though. . . .


1 to 2 Heads Romaine Lettuce

1 Cup Cottage Cheese

1 Cup Fresh Chopped Pineapple

1 Apple, Chopped

¼ Cup Chopped Walnuts

¼ Cup Raisins

2 Tablespoons French Dressing

3 Oranges, Sectioned

Tear lettuce into bite sized pieces and place in large bowl. Add remaining ingredients, toss to combine.

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