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It's A Lot Of Cheese

I was thinking quiche. But there really aren’t enough eggs to get a quiche texture.

What you get is a whole lot of cheese, melted around some diced ham.

My daughter and husband really liked this. I just felt like it was overwhelming and heavy.

The onions add a nice touch. But, it’s just too much cheese!


2 Eggs

½ Teaspoon Leaf Oregano, Crumbled

1/8 Teaspoon Black Pepper

12 Ounces Ham or Turkey, Diced

8 Ounces Swiss Cheese, Cubed

1 Onion, Chopped

One 9 Inch Pie Crust

Beat eggs, oregano, and pepper in a medium size mixing bowl; add meat and cheese, toss to coat with egg mixture. Spoon evenly into prepared pie shell. Arrange onion on top of pie. Bake in a 450 degree oven for 25 minutes.

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