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It Is Quick and Jiffy!

My sister-in-law is of Mexican decent. I feel confident that if I served her this she would slap me. It is NOT Mexican!

But it is quick. So if you don’t mind fake Mexican and you are in a hurry – by all means, this is the dish for you!

The onions are really the only fresh ingredient. They do add a little crispiness to the otherwise one note dish.

Who knew that you could buy tamales in a can! I had no idea. My husband told me that they had them growing up and he would always get excited when there was a can of tamales in the pantry.

Having had real tamales, I can’t see how you can call canned tamales, well tamales. They are very mushy. The meat is unidentifiable.

Pouring chili over them gives them a nice and thick meaty sauce.

I don’t enjoy processed food. I am always disappointed in the taste and quite frankly not too thrilled with the ensuing heart burn either!

So, this was not my favorite. My family loved it. So take what you will from that . . .


¼ Cup Chopped Onion

1 Tablespoon Fat

1 Can Tamales

1 Can Chili

½ Cup Grated Cheddar Cheese

Cook onion in fat until golden. Add tamales without shucks, and chili to onion. Cover. Heat thoroughly. Arrange in serving dish, top with cheese, serve.

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