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Is It Really Coffee?

I am not a coffee snob. I am a coffee connoisseur. I love coffee.

Instant coffee is not coffee. I mean, it’s powdered flakes, you don’t brew it. How can someone call it coffee? One of the first times staying at my in-law’s house I was offered coffee. I was confused when my mother-in-law started the kettle. Appalled when she pulled out the instant. How can one politely say no thanks to that?

So, instant coffee and cocoa mix – meh. . .

But I made it – that’s what this whole experiment is about – trying “new” dishes and recipes from the past.

The recipe makes a good amount of mix, I filled the large half gallon Ball jar.

I hate to admit it, but the Fireside Coffee tastes pretty good. It isn’t coffee – more a spiced hot chocolate with a hint of coffee flavor. It is creamy too.

I make my own hot chocolate mix every year, so that is what I used.

The cinnamon and nutmeg add a nice flavor. This would be great for sitting around the firepit. It would be easy to whip up a big patch and have it simmering in the crockpot all day!

So, will I drink it – yes. Is it coffee – no!


2 Cups Cocoa Mix

2 Cups Nondairy Creamer

1 ½ Cups Sugar

1 Cup Instant Coffee Powder

1 Teaspoon Cinnamon

½ Teaspoon Nutmeg

Combine all ingredients and blend well. Store in an airtight container. To prepare, combine 2 to 3 teaspoons of the mix with 1 cup boiling water.

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