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Interesting Side Dish

Parsnips have a very unique taste. The flavor is starchy like a potato, sweet like a carrot, and a bit bitter like a turnip. The flavor is complex and earthy and honestly, a little hard to explain. There is a small amount of ginger or licorice taste as well.

The recipe does not call for salt, but I think a bit of it would be welcome. The pepper is a nice addition.

I cooked the parsnips in boiling water for about 10 minutes for them to be tender. I purchase one pack – there are sold like carrots – and had about 2 cups once they were cooked. So I guess I should have bought two packs!

They mash like potatoes. It was a little difficult to whip them in the pan because I didn’t have quite enough. But I did get them smooth.

I quite enjoyed them. My daughter not so much. She just couldn’t get past the flavor. I think this was more that she thought they were mashed potatoes.


4 Cups Cooked Parsnips

2 Tablespoons Butter

¼ Teaspoon Pepper

Mash parsnips. Add butter and pepper. Place saucepan over low heat and beat parsnips until they are smooth and fluffy.

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