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Interesting Mint Frappe

We planted mint in the garden this year. I always think its a great idea to plant mint. Then I never know what to do with it all!

This is a quick recipe to make, so if you are looking for a sweet treat, try this out.

Everything blends well and the drink becomes very smooth.

The mint permeates the drink very well. It really is a chocolate mint shake, just a little thinner.

The recipe is good on its own. My husband wanted a little something added to it. So we added a jigger and a half of vodka to our glasses.

This is good either way, but the vodka was a lovely addition.


2 Ounces Chocolate

1/2 Cup Sugar

1/2 Cup Hot Water

1/4 Teaspoon Salt

13 Ounces Evaporated Milk

1/4 Teaspoon Vanilla

5 Sprigs Fresh Mint

1 Cup Cracked Ice

Cut chocolate into pieces in a blender. Add sugar and hot water. Blend for 1 minute. Add salt, evaporated milk, vanilla and mint sprigs. Blend a few seconds. Add ice. Blend 1 minute. Serve in tall glasses garnished with mint leaves.

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