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Interesting Casserole

I will start by saying that I used the wrong pan to cook this in. I meant to grab my 13x9 pan, but grabbed the 14x10 instead. It was a little too big.

The sauce was interesting. It was a very creamy, cheesy sauce. The bread crumbs were strange. It gave the sauce a thickness. Combined with the egg whites, this is what made it soufflé.

The dish puffs a bit during cooking, like a soufflé. But it isn’t really a soufflé in my opinion.

The dish seemed to be missing something. There was enough salt, so that wasn’t it.

There was cheese - but not enough. There was meat - but they were a little hard because of being cooked twice.

The noodles were cooked nicely. There could be a bit more of them, but maybe that was because I used a pan that was too big.

Maybe the dish needed something spicy. Or maybe some vegetables. I can’t quite say what it was missing, but it was missing something.


2 Cups Elbow Macaroni

2 Cups Milk, Scalded

3 Tablespoons Butter

1 Cup Grated Sharp Process Cheese

1 Tablespoon Minced Onion

1/2 Teaspoon Salt

1/8 Teaspoon Pepper

3 Eggs, Separated

3 Cups Soft Bread Crumbs

1 Recipe Company Meat Balls

Cook macaroni as directed on package. Combine milk, butter, cheese, onion, salt and pepper. Stir to melt cheese. Beat egg whites until stiff but not dry. Beat egg yolks thoroughly. Add gradually to hot milk, stirring constantly. Add bread crumbs. Mix well. Remove from heat and fold in egg whites. Fill the bottom of a well greased casserole with half of the macaroni. Pour in half of the milk mixture. Add half of the meat balls. Add remaining macaroni and sauce. Arrange meat balls over the top. Place in a shallow pan and fill with 1 inch of hot water. Bake in a 375 degree oven for 50 to 60 minutes.

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