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I Wasn't Impressed

You always hear amazing things about soufflés. Like they are the ultimate in luxury and fancy eating.

I have also heard a lot about how difficult a soufflé is to make.

They key is in whipping the egg whites perfectly. They have to be stiff, but not dry. There is a very fine line in stiff and dry, and stiff and not dry.

I think I was able to get the whites beaten correctly. They seemed very light and quite fluffy.

The cheese sauce mixed in nicely. I let it cool while I was whipping the whites. So, while it was still warm, it wasn’t hot any more.

The soufflé did puff up beautifully during cooking. And yes, you can NOT open the oven door or it will fall immediately.

The problem was that as soon as I took the dish out of the oven, the soufflé fell. I mean, it fell a lot! So, I did not get the amazing presentation of the mythical soufflé.

The soufflé was creamy and light. It was also very nice and fluffy.

I didn’t find it all that special though. It tasted like an omelet in my opinion. I didn’t find it all that impressive.


1 1/2 Cups Milk

1/4 Cup Butter

1/4 Cup Flour

1 Teaspoon Salt

1/8 Teaspoon Pepper

1/2 Pound Sharp Process Cheese, Shredded

6 Eggs, Separated

Heat but do not scald milk. Melt butter in saucepan. Stir in flour. Add milk gradually with seasonings. Cook, stirring, until smooth and thickened. Blend in cheese. Beat egg yolk and temper with cheese sauce. Beat egg whites until stiff but not dry. Slowly fold into cheese sauce, blending completely. Pour into a casserole. Bake in a 300 degree oven for 1 1/4 hours. Do not open the oven while soufflé is cooking.

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