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I've Never Made It Like This Before

This was a new one for me. I have made manicotti before. Usually I purchase the manicotti shells and struggle to stuff them. It’s always a mess, but the taste is worth it.

The biggest difference with this recipe is obviously the pancakes instead of the pasta shells.

The pancakes are more like crepes, so keep that in mind while making them. The thinner the better. The batter is perfect for making thin pancakes. It is very thin and smooth.

The cakes cook very easily and quickly. It only took about 30 seconds per pancake to be to the right doneness.

I did make the pancakes on my electric griddle, so I did not have the benefit of tilting the pan around. I used my scoop to move the pancake batter to the right thickness.

The filling has a lot of flavor as well! It is very traditional for a manicotti filling.

For the meat sauce I used some Bolognese I had made several months ago and had kept frozen. This is a very thick sauce with a combination of ground beef and ground pork and has a ton of flavor. It was perfect for this dish.

The end result was amazing. The pancakes were soft, but not gummy. It was also so much easier to prepare!

I was impressed and will definitely be making this recipe again!


1/2 Cup Sifted Flour

2/3 Cup Milk

2 Eggs, Well Beaten

1 Tablespoon Melted Butter

1/2 Teaspoon Salt

1/2 Pound Ricotta Cheese

1 Egg, Beaten

1/4 Cup Grated Parmesan

1/4 Cup Chopped Parsley

1/2 Teaspoon Salt

1 1/2 Cups Spaghetti Meat Sauce

Combine sifted flour, milk, 2 eggs, melted butter and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Using a small ladle, place a spoonful onto a hot greased skillet. Tilt skillet around to make a very thin pancake. Bake until done on one side only. Slide onto wax paper and proceed until all the batter has been used. You should have 12 pancakes. Combine ricotta, egg, parmesan, parsley, and salt. Spread a spoonful of this mixture onto the center of each pancake, roll up and arrange in a baking dish. Top with meat sauce. Bake in a 375 degree oven for 20 minutes.

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