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I Did Not Use The Pressure Cooker

This is a great recipe to use your InstaPot! I do not have an InstaPot, but I do have a pressure cooker.

I didn’t use it, mostly because my pressure cooker is quite large. It seemed like a waste to break it out for such a small dish.

So, yes, it took me a lot longer to cook this than the recipe said. But I don’t mind that. If you do have an InstaPot, or a small pressure cooker, this dinner would whip up in no time at all!

The pork cooks nicely and stays moist. I sautéed the onion, pepper, and celery with the pork.

The molasses and soy sauce go very well together. The molasses helps thicken the sauce very well. The soy gives the dish all the salt you need.

I added the onions and sprouts at the end. The mushrooms had a great texture and were not too mushy. The sprouts gave the dish a little savory crunch.

I served the dish over rice. It really was a lovely dinner.


1 Pound Pork or Veal Shoulder, Cut into 1/2 inch Cubes

1/4 Cup Flour

2 Tablespoons Fat

1 Cup Water

2 Tablespoons Soy Sauce

2 Tablespoons Molasses

2 Teaspoons Salt

1/4 Teaspoon Pepper

1/2 Cup Diced Green Pepper

2 Cups Diced Celery

1 Cup Sliced Onion

1 Cup Sliced Mushrooms

1 1/2 Cups Canned Bean Sprouts

Brown meat cubes in drippings in pressure cooker. Add the flour and blend well. Add water, soy sauce, molasses and seasonings. Pressure cook at 15 pounds of pressure for 6 minutes. Reduce pressure with cold water. Open cooker and add vegetables. Pressure cook again for 4 minutes. Reduce pressure with cold water.

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