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How Many Hotdogs Did They Eat?

The 1950’s was a time big on experimental cooking as well as convenience. Hot Dogs, Jello, Velveeta – all staples to the 50’s kitchen. They really did so much with premade foods!

Frankfurters were immensely popular, and if my recipe cards and cookbooks are any indication – they served them in hundreds of ways!

This recipe is frankfurters and barbecue sauce. That’s it. Talk about simple!

Surprisingly tastes good too. I used Nathan’s hot dogs, they have a nice meaty flavor. For the barbecue sauce I used Sweet Baby Ray’s. I served them with the Sour Cream Potato Salad.

Cooking for 45 minutes really decreases the body of the barbecue sauce, the sauce is quite viscous when they are done. They would serve well in a bun, the sauce would spread well on the bread.

Simple, but tasty and a bit unusual!


1 ½ Pounds Frankfurters

Barbecue Sauce

Prick skins of frankfurters, place in a shallow pan, cover with barbecue sauce. Cook, uncovered un a 350 degree oven for 45 minutes.

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