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How Could I Have Forgotten?

Oh my Lord! These are good potatoes! They are creamy almost like mashed potatoes and packed with flavor!

We like mashed potatoes in my house, they are our go to comfort food. And I do them right - lots of butter. So it's hard to beat my mashed potatoes. These come really close though. Maybe they are better, but I don't think I am ready to admit that right now.

The potatoes are cubed, which is strange for an au gratin dish, generally the dish calls for potato rounds. They are also cooked in advance, which I believe adds to the creamy texture. You also don't have to worry that all the potatoes will be cooked through.

I used a red onion to add some color. My daughter didn't like the onions, but my husband and I thought they were fine. They added a small bit of crunch. I think she just isn't a huge fan of onions to be honest.

I must have had an off day, because I forgot to buy mushrooms, so I didn't add any to the dish. I probably wouldn't have used canned mushrooms either. Something about canned mushrooms turns me off, so I would have used fresh. I also forgot to add the sour cream. Really, I must have been having a very off day!

Even with the two omissions, these were excellent. The mushroom soup adds just enough creaminess. The chunks of cheddar melt beautifully throughout the dish. And the ham just adds a bit of something special.

So I am definitely putting these on my list of go to recipes. Maybe next time I make them I will add ALL the ingredients!


8 to 10 Cups Potatoes, Cooked in Jackets and Cubed

1 Can Cream of Mushroom Soup

8 Ounces Sour Cream

1 Can (8 ounces) Mushrooms

1 Small Diced Onion

2 Cups Cubed Cheddar Cheese

2 Cups Diced Ham

Combine ingredients and bake in a casserole for 1 hour at 325 degrees until heated through and bubbly

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