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Homemade Cottage Cheese

I have made cheese before. I just never even thought about making cottage cheese.

It’s the same concept as cheese making really. And there is a great science aspect to it. Make it with your kids – they will love the reaction!

I purchased my Rennet Tablets on Amazon. Eight tablets were about five dollars, so not a huge investment. While making cheese before I have also used citric acid, so that would probably work too.

It doesn’t take long to heat the milk to 100 degrees. You are really only warming it up, not actually cooking it.

The hardest part was breaking the pieces apart to have them the right size for cottage cheese. And I say hard, but really it was just time consuming.

My husband really enjoyed this. I added some of the Honey Apples I made the day before and it was a nice breakfast!


5 Cups Skim Milk

5 Cups Whole Milk

½ Cup Buttermilk

2 Rennet Tablets

¼ Cup Water

½ Teaspoon Salt

1/3 Cup Heavy Cream

Dissolve Rennet Tablets in ¼ Cup water. Stir salt into 1/3 Cup Heavy Cream.

In a stainless Steel or Enamel saucepan combine milks and buttermilk. Stir occasionally over low heat until temperature reaches 100 degrees. Remove from heat. Add dissolved rennet, stirring thoroughly for 1 minute. Cover and let stand 18 to 24 hours. Line a large sieve or colander with 2 layers of dampened cheesecloth. Set sieve over a bowl. Spoon whey and let it drain, then gently spoon in curd. Drain for 2 hours or until dripping slows. Tie corners of the cloth to form a bag. Hang over the bowl for 1 hour or until no more whey drips down. Stir salt cream mixture gently into the cheese. Cover and chill.

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