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Homemade After Dinner Mints

I love after dinner mints! I always have, probably because of their simplicity.

The hardest part of making these is sifting the powdered sugar. It took some time to get it through the sifter.

I cheated a bit and used my stand mixer. It just made it so much easier to mix everything together.

The dough is sticky, but not too sticky that you can’t work with it. I ended up just rolling and pressing them as I didn’t have a mold small enough for them. This worked for me. My daughter helped and played a bit. She rolled colors together and tried to make shapes and designs.

I did end up making a green and yellow dough. I cut the dough in half before adding the color and flavoring.

For the green I added mint flavoring. For the yellow I added rum flavoring. Both tasted wonderful!

Once I rolled them out I placed them on waxed paper to dry. It took about six hours to dry completely. I stored them in a canning jar.

Valley School Mints

3 Pounds Confectioners’ Sugar

8 Ounces Cream Cheese

Food Coloring

Flavoring – Almond, Maple, Vanilla, Peppermint (your choice)

Soften cream cheese to room temperature. Sift 1 pound of cream cheese in a bowl. Combine sugar with cream cheese. Sift second pound of sugar into bowl. Mix thoroughly. Sift final pound of confectioners’ sugar into bowl. Mix well.

Add a small amount of food coloring and flavoring to taste. Knead until color is mixed consistently throughout.

Pinch off marble sized amounts and roll into balls. Roll in granulated sugar if desired. Press onto waxed paper, or press into a mold. Allow the mints to dry.

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1 Comment

Nov 13, 2021

This is great! I just don't see myself taking the time to ever do that!! Glad you two had fun with it, though!!

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