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Hard To Find Ingredients

I really do wish turkey wasn’t so hard to find outside of November and December! I enjoy turkey. It shouldn’t just be for the holidays!

I was able to find a frozen turkey that was just the breasts, so that is what I used. And being that it’s June, it was on salt. What a nice surprise!

I misread the recipe and did not cook my turkey before hand. I like my way better to be honest. The turkey was very moist and not dry at all.

I did fry the filets for about 8 minutes each. This gave the crust a very nice golden color.

The rice was super flavorful. The stock adds a lot of flavor in and of itself. Then you add the onion juice, which gives the rice just a hint of the onion flavor, but without the chunks of onion.

The cheese was a nice touch to the rice as well. It made the rice stick together and gave it some color.

We really enjoyed this dish! I served it with the Scalloped Broccoli (check tomorrow’s blog for the recipe). It was a lovely and well rounded meal.


Turkey Breast Fillets

1 Egg

2 Tablespoons Water

Bread Crumbs

3 Cups Turkey Stock

1 Cup Rice

1/2 Teaspoon Onion Juice

1 Teaspoon Salt

2 Teaspoons Butter

1 Tablespoon Grated Cheese


6 Tablespoons Oil or Fat

Skin breast of cooked turkey and separate into filets about 1/2 inch thick. Beat egg and add water. Dip filets into egg, then into crumbs, then egg again. Chill. Heat stock with rice, onion juice and 1/2 Teaspoon salt; cover and simmer until liquid is absorbed. When rice is tender add butter and cheese. Season with remaining salt and pepper. Cook filets in hot oil until browned on both sides. Heap rice in center of hot dish and arrange the fillets around it.

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