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Great For A Sore Throat

My daughter wasn’t feeling well over the weekend. I’m sure it was no big deal, but she acted like she was dying!

I thought this would be perfect for her sore throat and runny nose. And it was.

I have a lovely tea pot with an insert, so that is what I used. The tea steeps very strong, so if you don’t like a strong tea, maybe steep it for three minutes instead of five.

The combination of the orange and lime juices gives the tea a very citrus feel, making it great for sore throats.

The honey provides just enough sweetness to counteract the tart juices. But don’t worry, it isn’t overly sweet.

Overall a nice tea.


2 Tablespoons Black Tea Leaves

1 Tablespoon Whole Cloves

4 Cups Boiling Water

1/2 Cup Orange Juice

1/4 Cup Plus 2 Tablespoons Honey

1/4 Cup Lime Juice

Combine tea and cloves in a teaball. Place in a teapot. Add boiling water, cover and let steep for 5 minutes. Remove tea ball and stir in orange juice, honey and lime juice.

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