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Great Breakfast Bread

I will start by saying that I made this bread out of season for fresh cranberries. I used dried cranberries that I reconstituted with boiling water.

I loved the lemon rind, you got little pops of lemon flavor throughout the bread.

The cranberries were perfectly tart.

The bread itself was perfectly moist. I put some butter on mine, but my friend did not and loved it just as much.

The bread is hearty enough to provide a great breakfast, but sweet enough that you felt like you were getting a treat!

Loved the walnuts too. They were a great added crunch!


1 Tablespoon Lemon Rind, Grated

1 Medium Lemon Squeezing, Pulp Included

3/4 Cup Applesauce With Cinnamon

2 Tablespoons Butter

1 Egg

3/4 Cup Sugar

1 Cup Sliced Cranberries

1 Cup All Purpose Flour

1 Cup Whole Wheat Flour

1/2 Teaspoon Salt

1/2 Teaspoon Baking Soda

1/2 Cup Chopped Walnuts

Blend well the lemon rind, lemon pulp, applesauce, butter, sugar and egg. When well blended add cranberries. Sift together flours, salt and baking soda. Gradually stir flour mixture into cranberry mixture. Stir well, add nuts. Pour into a buttered loaf pan. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 1 hour.

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