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Good Use For Zucchini

This was a relatively simple recipe, but it had nice presentation.

Cooking the zucchini in the boiling salted water softens it quite nicely. It was very easy to remove the pulp. This also gave the end result a fully cooked feel.

Sometimes when you stuff vegetables and don’t cook them beforehand they can be a little stiff.

The filling was quite simple, onion, tomato and bread crumbs. Added to the zucchini pulp provided a flavorful filling.

I think I would have maybe added the bread crumbs to the top instead of mixing them in. Perhaps give the dish a little crunch on the top. . .

I served these with the Veal Cutlets. They were a great side dish!


3 Zucchini

2 Tablespoons Minced Onion

3 Tablespoons Butter

1 Cup Soft Bread Crumbs

1/2 Cup Cooked Tomato

Salt and Pepper

Cook zucchini in boiling salted water for 10 minutes. Cut in halves and scoop out centers. Mix pulp with remaining ingredients. Fill zucchini. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 15 minutes.

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