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Good Flavor, Uneven Cook

My husband is not a fan of pork chops, so I always have to find interesting ways to cook them. I think his dislike comes from having a mother who overcooked pork.

And I think that used to be more the case than it is now. I remember pork being dried out and tough because of the fear of getting sick if it wasn’t cooked through.

The recipe is very easy to put together. And it really is a meal in a pot once done.

I sliced my potatoes super thin using my mandolin. So the potatoes were all the same thickness. You would think this would mean they would all cook the same.

Well, it didn’t. Some of the potatoes were perfectly cooked. Some were still closer to raw. I think maybe a little more milk to be absorbed. And maybe layering the potatoes a little farther apart from each other. . .

My chops were super thick, so I did cook the dish for about 45 minutes. Even with the extended time two of the chops were a touch too pink near the bone.

I will say the dish tasted quite nice. It was well seasoned and flavorful. Just cooked wonky.


6 Veal or Pork Chops

1 Teaspoon Salt

1/4 Teaspoon Pepper

2 Tablespoons Butter

1/3 Cup Finely Chopped Onions

4 Cups Thinly Sliced Potatoes

1 Can Cream Of Mushroom Soup

1 1/4 Cup Milk

Rub chops with salt and pepper. Melt butter in a large skillet; add onions and chops. Brown lightly on both sides. Place sliced potatoes in a buttered 2 quart casserole dish. Arrange chops over the potatoes. Add soup and milk to onions in the skillet. Blend until smooth. Pour over chops and potatoes. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 35 to 40 minutes.

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