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Fresh and Bright Sprouts

This dish is the pride of my husband’s garden this year!

He planted Brussels Sprouts in the spring and tenderly cared for the plants all season. We have tried to grow Brussels Sprouts before with varied success. Never before have we had this much success!

The plants, there were two, grew over four feet tall. There was a lovely spiral of the little sprouts on each plant. There were at least 100 sprouts!

He has been telling everyone who cares to listen (and some that don’t) about his Brussels Sprouts for the past two weeks. I even had to take a picture to send to his parents.

I served the sprouts for Thanksgiving. He told everyone at the table multiple times that he grew them himself.

Knowing how important they were to him I wanted to choose a recipe that would be simple and highlight the sprouts themselves. This was the perfect recipe for that!

I parboiled the sprouts for about 7 minutes. Some of them were quite small, so I didn’t want them to be over cooked.

The mushrooms were sautéed only until just tender, then I added the sprouts.

The sprouts gained a little of the earthiness from the mushrooms, and all the buttery goodness.

The cream made a little sauce with the vegetables.

The dish was bright and fresh, and absolutely delicious!


1 Pound Brussels Sprouts

1/4 Cup Butter

1/4 Pound Mushrooms, Sliced

Salt and Pepper


Heat 1 inch boiling, salted water, add cleaned Brussels sprouts and cook 10 to 20 minutes - tender crisp. Drain. Add butter to skillet. Sauté mushrooms until just tender. Add sprouts, salt, pepper and a touch of cream. Toss gently.

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