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Flavorful Savory Pie Crust!

This is a quick and easy pie crust.

The ingredients mix together well. The herbs give it a delicious flavor.

Using super cold butter is key to a flaky crust. You can see big chunks of butter when you are rolling the dough out.

This recipe makes enough for two crusts. I used one full crust in the bottom of the pie plate and then sliced the other half into strips to do a lattice top crust.

I made this dough for my Turkey Pie recipe. It was very tasty!


6 Ounces Cream Cheese

1 Cup Cold Butter, Cut into Pieces

2 ½ Cups Flour

1 Teaspoon Salt

2 Teaspoons Chopped Basil

2 Teaspoons Minced Sage

2 Teaspoons Chopped Dill

Mix the flour and herbs together in a bowl. Cut in the cream cheese and butter. Mix with a pastry blender or hand mixer until coarse and crumbly. Continue mixing with your hands until the dough forms a ball. Add cold water if necessary. Divide dough in half and roll out on a floured pastry mat. Repeat with remaining dough.

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