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Fancy Looking Rolls

These rolls look great, a bit fancy. They will definitely be a hit for a dinner party. For some reason the fancier the bread looks, the more impressed people are when you explain you made them from scratch.

You do have to be prepared to make these, as they do have to stay in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

Thankfully, the dough does keep as long as its in the fridge. I made the dough on a Tuesday with the intention of baking them on Wednesday. Wednesday baking didn’t happen, so I cooked them up on Thursday.

I was concerned that the rolls wouldn’t rise once the dough was in the fridge. I was wrong. It more than doubled in size.

The dough is very wet and sticky. It rolled out nicely though on my floured mat. Rolling the dough out and then rolling it jelly roll style gives the rolls a look almost like a cinnamon roll. The tops brown in the round, which gives them their beautiful appearance.

The rolls tasted pretty good. They aren’t the best I’ve ever had, but they weren’t bad either. A little bland, but once you butter them, it’s better. I think I was spoiled by the amazing Galilee dinner rolls I made last week!


1 Cup Shortening

¾ Cup Sugar

1 ½ Teaspoons Salt

1 Cup Boiling Water

2 Packages Active Dry Yeast

½ Cup Warm Water

3 Eggs, Slightly Beaten

7 ½ Cups All Purpose Flour, Sifted Before Measuring

1 Cup Water

Melted Butter

In a small bowl, combine shortening, sugar and salt. With a wooden spoon, beat until smooth and creamy. Add boiling water; stir until smooth. Set aside to cool to lukewarm. In a large bowl, sprinkle yeast over ½ cup warm water. Stir until yeast is dissolved. Add shortening mixture to yeast, along with eggs; mix well. Add flour alternately with 1 cup water. Beat until smooth. Grease top of dough, cover bowl tightly with foil or plastic wrap. Refrigerate overnight. To shape: remove a fourth of the dough from the refrigerator. On a lightly floured pastry mat roll into a 12 x 10 rectangle. Brush with melted butter. Roll up jelly roll fashion. With a sharp knife, cut crosswise into 12 pieces. Place, cut side down, in greased muffin pans. Cover with a towel and let rise in a warm place for about 1 hour – until doubled in bulk. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Bake rolls 15 to 20 minutes.

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