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Fancy Bread

I pulled this recipe and placed it in my “to make” pile about three months ago. It has been sitting there, waiting, since then. I keep pulling it out and putting it back. The recipe just seemed so complicated!

Well I finally bit the bullet and made it! Yes, it was time consuming, but not really complicated.

The bread part itself was pretty simple. It is much like other breads I have made before. I would consider adding a touch of sugar if I made it again. In my mind a breakfast bread should have a small amount of sweetness to it.

This one has no sweetness at all. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It just wasn’t what I was expecting.

Making the fillings is what takes the time. The recipe calls for straining them all. Honestly, I left my fruit fillings a little on the chunky side. I like to actually chew into pieces of fruit instead of a smooth jam like texture. You decide what you like and adjust accordingly.

The cinnamon apple filling was the one that gave me the most trouble during the ultimate cooking time. I thought I had strained out all the liquid, but it just kept leaching out. I was so glad I used a Silpat during cooking or it would have been a mess on my pan!

The other thing that was difficult with the apple filling was finding the cinnamon candies. Who knew that Red Hots were such a hot commodity? This isn’t the first time I have had a Mid Century recipe that combines apples and cinnamon candy. It does provide an interesting combination. The apple becomes almost candy coated, but in a thin way.

The apricot filling was the easiest. Reconstituted apricots with a little sugar. Pretty simple. And pretty tasty.

The poppy seed filling is packed full of poppy seeds! The honey and cornstarch help thicken it up. It has a jam or jelly consistency.

The recipe does make a fairly large braid. I placed the poppy seed in the middle with the fruit on either side.

I served the braid at a meeting, everyone enjoyed it. Despite the large size of the braid there were only four pieces left at the end of the night!

Fruit Filled Coffee Braid

1 Cup Lukewarm Milk

1/2 Cup Sugar

1 Teaspoon Salt

2 Envelopes Yeast

2 Eggs

1/2 Cup Shortening

4 1/2 to 5 Cups Flour


4 Small Apples, Peeled and Cut Up

3 Tablespoons Cinnamon Candies

1/3 Cup Water


1/2 Cup Poppy Seeds

1/3 Cup Sour Cream

1 Tablespoon Butter

1 Tablespoon Honey

1/4 Cup Chopped Almonds

1 Teaspoon Grated Lemon Rind

1 Tablespoon Chopped Citron

1/4 Cup Raisins

2 Tablespoons Sugar

1 Tablespoon Cornstarch

2 Tablespoons Red Jelly


25 Dried Apricots

4 Tablespoons Sugar

Mix together milk, sugar and salt. Crumble yeast into milk mixture and stir until yeast dissolves. Stir in eggs and shortening. Add flour, mixing with a spoon, then with hands to combine. Place dough on a floured board and knead until smooth and elastic. Place in a greased bowl, turning to coat, cover and allow to rise one hour. Punch down, flip dough in the bowl and allow to rise 45 minutes. Divide dough into three sections and let rest for 15 minutes. Roll each section into an oblong 13 x 6 inches each. For Cinnamon Apple Filling - Combine all ingredients in a saucepan, cook until soft. Drain and press pulp through a sieve. For Poppy Seed Filling - Mix together all ingredients and boil for 1 minute. For Apricot Filling - Soak apricots in boiling water until soft. Drain, press through a sieve and add sugar. Spread desired filling to within 1 inch of the edge of each dough section. Roll up cinnamon roll fashion. Seal edges by pinching together. To braid, gather each piece at the top and pinch to seal. Braid dough loosely, pinching ends. Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar if desired. Bake in a 375 degree oven for 25 to 30 minutes.

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