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Fall Flavors

I really enjoy curling up on the couch with my cat, a fuzzy blanket and some warm soup when it is cold outside.

I thought this soup sounded interesting. You don’t often see a soup with carrots as the main ingredient.

I thought the beef broth was an interesting touch. It gave the carrots and onions a nice meaty feel. It also gave the soup a nice bronze color.

The vegetables cook very soft in the hour. It wasn’t that difficult to press through the sieve.

I have had vegetables, like asparagus, where it takes a lot of work to sieve. This was simple in comparison. There also wasn’t a whole lot of dry solids left over. You get nearly all the vegetable in the final soup, just smooth and creamy.

The soup reminded me of the colors of the fall trees. It just tasted like fall.

It was perfect.


2 Tablespoons Fat

1 Large Onion, Sliced

1 Tablespoon Flour

4 Cups Beef Broth

3 1/2 Cups Sliced Carrots

1 Cup Minced Celery

2 Teaspoons Salt

1/4 Teaspoon Pepper

Melt fat in a large soup kettle and brown the onion, stir in flour and add broth. Stir while heating to boiling, cook 2 minutes. Add remaining ingredients and let simmer 1 hour. Rub through a sieve and serve hot.

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