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Dressing With A Twist

I grew up eating stove top stuffing. My mother was not a fabulous cook, so most everything we had came from a box.

I expanded my knowledge as I went out on my own and started trying different things. I never knew you could buy dried bread cubes and make stuffing until I was in my twenties.

I wanted to try this recipe because I have not yet made a rice stuffing. I thought it would be an interesting twist. An alternative to the bread.

I used a mixture of white rice and a fancy wild rice mixture. So the rice itself had a lot of flavor.

The bacon gives the dressing a nice bit of saltiness. The celery stays a little crisp, so it adds some dimension.

I think the seasoning was just right. Although admittedly, I added about a teaspoon of sage, so a little more than the recipe called for.

The cheese melted beautifully. I used mozzarella - I had just a little left over from a different recipe, so I didn’t even have to go buy any.

I did stuff the dressing into the turkey I was cooking. The turkey was a little on the small side, so I arranged the extra dressing around the bird.

The dressing cooked very nicely. It tasted wonderful. I highly recommend!


6 Slices Bacon

3 Tablespoons Chopped Onion

4 Cups Boiled Rice

1 Cup Dry Bread Crumbs

1 Cup Chopped Celery

3/4 Teaspoon Salt

1/4 Teaspoon Pepper

1/8 Teaspoon Sage

1/2 Cup Milk

1/2 Cup Cream

1/4 Cup Grated Cheese

Mince bacon and sauce for 5 minutes with onion. Pour off all but 2 tablespoons of the bacon grease. Combine with remaining ingredients. Stuff into bird or bake in a 350 degree oven for 45 minutes.

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