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Delightfully Refreshing

I have to say I was delightfully surprised at how this punch turned out!

I had some people over for a game night. Some of my guests do not drink, so I wanted something non alcoholic for them to enjoy.

This definitely fit the bill!

The punch is tart because of the lemonade and lemon slices.

The strawberries give it a punch of sweetness. They also give the punch a lovely pink color.

The tea is barely noticeable. I think the other flavors overpower it a bit.

The recipe does make a nice amount. It tasted so good that people were scraping the bottom at the end of the night!


1/2 Cup Instant Tea Flakes

6 Cups Cold Water

10 Ounces Strawberries

6 Ounces Frozen Lemonade Concentrate, Thawed

1/2 Cup Sugar


Lemon Slices

In a punch bowl combine instant tea and water. In a blender container, combine strawberries and lemonade concentrate with sugar. Process at high speed until smooth. Pour into tea mixture, mix well. Serve with ice and lemon rings.

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