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Delightfully Light Cookie

I am a big fan of shortbread. It is a very simple cookie, with few ingredients, but I love the flavor.

My husband is not a fan of shortbread, He thinks it is too dry and too boring.

The biggest difference in this recipe is the brown sugar. It gives the cookies a lovely dark color.

It isn’t quite butterscotch, but almost.

The other big difference is the shortening instead of butter. Butter gives the cookies that lovely buttery flavor. Which I thought I would miss.

The shortening gives the cookies a lovely light and fluffy feel. I was surprised that I didn’t miss the butter at all.

I cut the cookies in the traditional rectangle shape. The possibilities are endless with shapes - you can use whatever cutter you want to personalize them.

My only tip would be to watch them while cooking. I made two trays, one with less cookies on it. That tray cooked faster and the cookies were a little darker than I would have liked. Still edible, just darker and a touch drier.


1 Cup Shortening

1/2 Cup Packed Brown Sugar

1/4 Cup Granulated Sugar

2 1/4 Cups All Purpose Flour

1 Teaspoon Salt

Heat oven to 300 degrees. Mix shortening and sugars thoroughly. Mix flour and salt. Stir in. Roll out 1/4 inch thick on a floured cloth covered board. Cut into desired shapes. Bake 20 to 25 minutes.

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