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Delicious Stuffing

I used this stuffing for my Thanksgiving bird. I wanted something that would hold up well, but something fresh as well.

I cubed and toasted the wheat bread I had made a few days before. I felt that the wheat bread would add a little more flavor than a white bread.

The bread was the perfect choice. It was very flavorful and hearty enough to hold up well during the baking process.

I have found that sometimes the stuffing cooked inside a bird will get soggy. I believe this to be due to the size of the bread cubes.

I chose to cut my bread a little on the larger side. This ensured that they did not become soggy during baking.

I also used a minimum of broth. Really just enough to moisten the bread a little.

The stuffing had great flavor and would be a great stand alone side dish!


4 Quarts Lightly Toasted Bread Cubes

2 Onions, Chopped

1 Quart Chopped Celery With Tops

1 Tablespoon Salt

1/2 Teaspoon Pepper

1 Teaspoon Dried Sage

1 Teaspoon Poultry Seasoning

1 Cup Butter, Melted


Sauté the onion and celery lightly in a little of the butter. Combine all ingredients. Stuff into prepared bird.

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