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Delicious Rice

Do you really need a recipe to cook rice, probably not. But this recipe works.

I don’t think I have ever cooked rice in the oven if it wasn’t in a casserole. So this was certainly a different preparation method than I usually use.

I used a wild rice blend, so the dish had some color. I served the rice with the Orange Duck, which was a great side for that dish.

The rice has an amazing buttery flavor. I didn’t add enough salt, but that is easily remedied.

The best part of this recipe is that you can put it in the oven and forget about it while you do other things.

It is a great side dish, with wonderful flavor, and it is super easy!


1/4 Pound Butter

2 Cups Long Grain Rice

4 Cups Stock

Salt and Pepper To Taste

Melt the butter in an oven proof casserole. Add the rice and stir to coat grains with butter. Add hot stock to the rice. Adjust seasonings. Cover tightly. Bake in a 400 degree oven for 30 minutes. Stir once and continue cooking 15 minutes.

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