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Delicious Punch!

This punch has a ton of flavor!

You can adjust the flavor by changing up the wine you add.

My watermelon was a little on the small side, so I ended up serving the punch in my punch bowl instead of the hollowed out watermelon rind. I think watermelons have gotten smaller with the invention of seedless. I remember watermelons being much bigger when I was growing up!

I used a sweet white wine instead of dry. I don’t love dry wine. After having mixed everything together I think a dry wine would have worked just fine. I think even a red would work well if you prefer red.

For the champagne, I used a sparkling peach champagne. It was not my intent to do so – I sent my husband to the store to buy champagne and that’s what he came home with. With the peach garnish, it worked well.

I used large skewers and arranged them around the edges. I think it would be great to use smaller skewers that would fit in the glasses.

I also added some of the loose fruit pieces into the punch bowl. During the day – I served the punch during the football games – the fruit soaked up a ton of the alcohol. So they were a nice little treat too!


1 Cup Sugar

1 Cup Lemon Juice

1 Bottle Dry White Wine

1 Watermelon Half, Lengthwise

Watermelon Balls

Sliced Peaches

1 Bottle Champagne, Chilled

Put sugar and 1 cup water in a saucepan; bring to a boil. Boil 5 minutes. Add lemon juice and wine. Chill at least 2 hours. Hollow out watermelon half and scallop edge. Alternate melon balls and peach slices on skewers and arrange in watermelon. Pour in wine mixture, then champagne. Serve

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