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Delicious Pasta Dough

I love homemade pasta! It really has so much more flavor than store bought.

This dough was lovely. The oil gave it a nice feel once cooked.

Making the dough was typical of the other recipes I have made. It really does need to rest before rolling.

I did start rolling it by hand with my rolling pin. I gave up though and used my pasta roller. If you have a pasta roller, it makes it so much easier!

I made a triple recipe, we were having people over for dinner, so I needed extra.

I cut the noodles thick. The pasta held up beautifully with the bolognese I served it with.

Great dough recipe!


2/3 Cup All Purpose Flour

1 Egg

1 Tablespoon Water

1/2 Teaspoon Salt

1 Teaspoon Olive Oil

On a large pastry board arrange flour with a well in the center. Drop in the egg. Begin to incorporate the egg and add the water, salt and oil. Work the mixture with your hands, folding the flour over the egg until the dough can be rolled into a ball and comes clean from the hands. Knead the dough as for bread about 10 minutes. Let it stand for 1 hour. Roll the dough, stretching it a little more with each roll. Between each rolling and stretching, continue to sprinkle it with flour to keep the dough from sticking. Repeat this procedure about 10 times or until the dough is paper thin and translucent. Let it dry for 10 minutes. Cut into desired shape. Cook in rapidly boiling water for 10 minutes.

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