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Delicious On It's Own!

I made this stuffing to go with my Pork Chops With Apple Rings and Glazed Turnips. Honestly, I think it was the best part of the dinner.

I used a milk Italian Sausage. It provided very nice flavor, but not too much spice.

I made my own cornbread using the Jane’s Basic Cornbread Mix I had made from my recipe box a little while ago. The mix was easy to use, the cornbread was nice and hearty. It worked well as the bread crumbs.

For the white bread crumbs I used some basic rolls that I purchased at the grocery store.

The one thing I would change is to use a bit more chicken stock. There were portions of the stuffing that were a bit dry. I think this would not have been the case if I had cooked the stuffing inside a bird.

Overall this was an excellent recipe. Definitely worth putting in the make it again pile!


2 Quarts Toasted Bread Cubes

2 Quarts Cornbread Cubes

1 Pound Bulk Sausage

1 Teaspoon Poultry Seasoning

½ Teaspoon Salt

½ Cup Chopped Onion

1 Cup Chopped Celery

2 Tablespoons Minced Parsley

Chicken Stock

Combine breads in a large bowl. Cook sausage, breaking it up well. Add sausage and drippings to bread, tossing lightly. Add seasonings and other ingredients. Add just enough chicken stock to moisten. Stuff inside of bird, or bake in a 350 degree oven for 30 to 45 minutes.

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