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Delicious Moist Meatloaf

I never like meatloaf growing up. My mother used to make it at least once a month. I have mentioned before, my mother isn’t that great of a cook. Her meatloaf was more like a brick. I think I got my distaste for meatloaf naturally - who likes eating a brick?

When I got married my husband wanted meatloaf. So I found a recipe in a Southern Living cookbook and begrudgingly tried it out. It was amazing. Who knew meatloaf could be moist and delicious? Certainly not I!

So over the years I have made meatloaf often. My daughter if her fathers little mini me, so she loves it too.

This meatloaf is quite moist. The vegetables add a nice touch to the loaf. They stay a little firm, so they also give the loaf some texture.

The recipe doesn’t call for it, but I recommend pouring off the fat after the first stage of cooking. There was quite a bit of fat that had cooked off.

The topping of mustard and jelly was a new one for me. I did not find currant jelly while shopping. I used a lingonberry jelly instead. Lingonberries are similar in taste and tartness to currants, so this worked out well.

The topping mixture cooks very nicely in the 20 minutes. It forms a soft almost crust on the top layer. It is a nice alternative to a ketchup layer on the top.

The loaf was really very good. Lots of flavor, very moist, and seasoned well!

Glazed Meat Loaf

1 1/2 Pounds Hamburger

3/4 Cup Soft Bread Crumbs

3/4 Cup Milk

3/4 Cup Chopped Onion

1/4 Cup Chopped Bell Pepper

2 Teaspoons Worcestershire Sauce

2 Tablespoons Ketchup

1/2 Teaspoon Dry Mustard

2 Eggs, Slightly Beaten

1 1/2 Teaspoons Salt

1/4 Teaspoon pepper

2/3 Cup Currant Jelly

3 Tablespoons Prepared Mustard

Combine jelly and mustard, reserve. Mix remaining ingredients together and shape in a loaf. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 45 minutes. Spread jelly over top and bake an additional 20 minutes.

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