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Delicious Memories!

I started cooking at a very early age, meaning 5 or 6 years old. My mother wasn’t a great cook. My father was gone a lot for work. So my brother and I did a lot of the household tasks.

When I started cooking, I started making cookies. This was one of the first recipes I ever made. My mother had an old Betty Crocker Cookie Cookbook from the fifties. I think someone gave it to her.

I was thrilled to see that the recipe in the Estate Sale Box was exactly the same as the one from my mother’s cookbook. So this was a nice trip down memory lane!

The cookies are very easy to make. I remember as a child that I was always disappointed that the batter tasted horrible. I think it’s the cream of tartar. But like every other kid, I always wanted to eat the batter!

You get a lovely taste from the cinnamon sugar you roll the dough in.

Like magic the balls you put in the oven puff up and then flatten out while cooking.

If you want a softer cookie, cook it for 8 minutes. For crisper cookies, cook it for the ten minutes.

The cookies will not look completely done when you take them out. They will appear a little soft and doughy in the cracks. That is normal.

Also you have to let them cool for a minute or two on the baking sheet before moving them to the wire rack. If you try to move them right away they will fall apart.

I love snickerdoodles! And I love this recipe!


1 Cup Shortening

1 ½ Cups Sugar

2 Eggs

2 ¾ Cups All Purpose Flour

2 Teaspoons Cream of Tartar

1 Teaspoon Baking Soda

¼ Teaspoon Salt

2 Tablespoons Sugar

2 Teaspoons Cinnamon

Heat oven to 400 degrees. Mix shortening, sugar, and eggs thoroughly. Sift in flour combined with cream of tartar, salt and soda. Shape dough into 1 inch balls. Combine 2 tablespoons sugar with cinnamon. Roll each cookie ball into cinnamon sugar. Place 2 inches apart on an ungreased baking sheet. Bake 8 to 10 minutes. Cookies will puff up and then flatten while cooking.

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