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Delicious and Refreshing

I haver never been a fan of carrot salad to be honest. Usually it has raisins in it, which I don’t love. And the carrots are usually julienned, it just seems like a lot of chewing. . .

This recipe is different in that it does not have raisins - I definitely did not miss them.

That cabbage is nice too. I used bok choy as I had some for a different recipe and bought more than I needed. The cabbage provided a lovely light crunch.

The lemon juice give the dish a nice touch of acid, maybe too much, but it is certainly doable.

Grating the carrots gives you a ton of carrot flavor without all the crunch.

The dish ended very light, refreshing and delicious. It was very enjoyable!


1 Cup Grated Raw Carrot

1 Cup Chopped Raw Cabbage

1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice

1/2 Teaspoon Salt


Mix the ingredients well adding just enough mayonnaise to cover carrot and cabbage.

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