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Creamy Mac and Cheese

My daughter runs cross country like her father did before her. My husband has convinced my daughter that the night before a race, she must eat pasta. Because that’s what he always did.

I’m not sure what the validity of pasta before a race is, but it is now a requirement that I make pasta before race nights.

So this is the recipe my daughter picked for the night before her race this week.

The cheese sauce is super creamy. I like the addition of the dry mustard. It adds something a bit different than the standard mac and cheese recipe.

The tomatoes add a bit of acid. I think if I were to make this again I would use fresh tomatoes to give it a little texture. The canned tomatoes are soft, the macaroni is soft – it comes out a little one note. I think a fresh tomato would be a little crisper.

The dish gets super bubbly while cooking which gives it a nice crust on top.

Overall a very nice macaroni and cheese.


16 Ounces Diced Tomatoes with Liquid


1 Tablespoon Butter

¼ Cup All Purpose Flour

½ Teaspoon Dry Mustard

¾ Teaspoon Salt

1/8 Teaspoon Pepper

2 Cups Grated Sharp Cheddar Cheese

6 Cups Cooked Macaroni

Pour the reserved tomato liquid into a 1 quart measuring cup and add enough milk to make 3 cups. In a Dutch oven melt butter over moderate heat . Sprinkle with flour and stir for 1 minute, until butter and flour form a doughy mass. Stir in tomato milk mixture, increase heat and bring to a boil. Whisking constantly until thickened and smooth.. Add dry mustard, salt, and pepper. Simmer for 4 minutes, whisking often. Remove pan from heat, stir in 1 ½ cups of cheese. Stir until cheese is melted and sauce is smooth. Add tomatoes and macaroni and gently stir until combined. Sprinkle the top with remaining cheese and place in a n unheated oven. Turn oven to 400 degrees and bake 30 minutes.

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