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Creamy Lemon Sauce

I like broccoli, so I have never felt the need to cover it with sauce. My daughter also likes broccoli. She used to steal “trees” from the fridge when she was little.

So, steaming the broccoli was old hat for me.

The sauce was very good and I am glad I made it this way!

The sauce is rich and smooth and creamy. There is just enough of the lemon flavor. It really blends well with the broccoli.

I cooked the sauce a bit in advance as I had people over for dinner the night I made it. I wanted to be able to spend time with my guests during the appetizer and salad courses.

I left the sauce in the double broiler, then reheated it to serve. This worked out great although I was a little nervous at first as it had gotten a bit clumpy. Once it heated through it was no big deal to whisk it smooth again.

Great side dish!


1 ½ Pounds Broccoli

3 Tablespoons Butter

2 Tablespoons Flour

1 ¼ Cups Milk

¼ Teaspoon Salt

1 Chicken Flavored Bouillon Cube

2 Egg Yolks

1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice

Prepare and cook broccoli until just tender. Keep hot. Meanwhile, make a white sauce of butter, flour, milk, salt, and bouillon cube, cooking it in the top of a double broiler over hot water until smooth and thick – about 15 minutes. Add some of the hot sauce slowly to beaten egg yolks, stir thoroughly. Return to double broiler and continue cooking for 5 minutes, stirring often. Add lemon juice gradually, stirring constantly. Serve over hot broccoli.

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