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Crab and Cheese

When I made the Avocado Crab Cutlets I wasn’t sure how much crab would actually be in one of the cans. So I bought too many.

I think I thought it would be like tuna, extra space and liquid.

The crab cans are actually packed very tightly with just crab meat. There was no liquid. And there certainly wasn’t any empty space.

So I had to figure out what to do with the extra crab.

This seemed like the perfect recipe. I always make something for football Sunday, why not use the crab for something fun.

I made the rarebit in a fondue pot. Since I was going to be serving it for the duration of the football game, I wanted it to stay warm. I have several fondue pots - including some electric ones.

I was able to use the pot to cook the white sauce as the temperature reading goes up to 450 degrees. I was able to get the mixture to boiling, which helped it thicken.

The dish was wonderful! The Parmesan adds a little saltiness to the creamy sauce. Admittedly, I did add a pinch of cayenne. I felt like a little spice would be nice.

I used an Italian bread to make the toast points. I was going to serve some crackers as well, but the bread was better.

Really delicious appetizer!


1 Tablespoon Fat

2 Tablespoons Flour

2 Cups Cream

1/8 Teaspoon Baking Soda

1/2 Teaspoon Salt



2 Cups Crab Meat

2 Tablespoons Parmesan Cheese

Toast Points

Make a white sauce of the fat, flour, cream, baking soda and seasonings. Add crab. Stir in cheese until melted. Arrange on squares of buttered hot toast.

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