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Cooked Salad Dressing

Who knew that cooked salad dressing was a thing!

I have made salad dressing before, but I have never heard of a cooked one. With this foray into MidCentury cooking I have discovered several cooked salad dressing recipes.

The dressing is very smooth and creamy even before adding the whipped cream.

It does have a tart taste due to the vinegar. But not too tart.

Adding the whipped cream gives the dressing a thicker feel. This allows it to stick to whatever you are serving it over.

Really lovely dressing!


4 Tablespoons Sugar

4 Tablespoons Flour

2 Teaspoons Salt

2 Teaspoons Dry Mustard

Dash Cayenne Pepper

4 Egg Yolks

1 ½ Cups Milk

½ Cup Vinegar

1 Tablespoon Butter

¾ Cup Heavy Cream

Mix dry ingredients; add yolks and milk. Stir in a double broiler until thickened. Add vinegar and butter. Stir until combined. Cool. Whip heavy cream until soft peaks form. Whip together with cooled dressing.

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