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Chicken In Cream Sauce

There is a lot of sauce with the recipe. I have to admit that I did not end up using all three cups of cream.

After about two cups I felt I had enough of the sauce to go around.

The salt pork fries up nicely and provides a nice base for the sauce. It provides enough fat to brown the chicken in. It also infuses the chicken and eventually the sauce with the lovely pork flavor.

The chicken cooks wonderfully in the twenty minutes of covered cooking time. It is very moist and not at all dry.

The cream sauce did not get quite as thick as I would have liked. But it was thick enough to coat the chicken.

Perhaps a little flour or cornstarch mixed in would help the sauce thicken better.

I served the chicken with the baked rice and cheese and the carrot mold. It was a nice and rounded meal.


3 Broiling Chickens

6 Tablespoons Fat, Melted

1/4 Cup Flour

1/2 Teaspoon Salt

1/8 Teaspoon Pepper

2 Slices Salt Pork, Cut fine

Dash Nutmeg

3 Cups Cream


Clean chickens and cut into quarters. Brush with fat and dredge with flour, salt and pepper. Fry salt pork until brown. Add nutmeg. Place chickens on pork and baste with melted butter. Cover the skillet and cook chickens about 30 minutes. When tender, pour in 1 cup cream. Remove cover and let cream cook down. When it is fairly thick, pour in another cup of cream, cook and add the third cup. Serve chickens with the cream gravy.

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