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Cheesy Stuffed Potatoes

I served this recipe with the Chicken Breasts Paprika.

The recipe is simple, but it does take some time.

Baking the potato took about an hour in a 350 degree oven. I did bake two potatoes but that didn’t add anything to the cooking time. Potatoes just take a long time.

I did increase the amount of cheese, cream and butter I added since I had more potatoes.

The cream gives the potato pulp a nice creaminess. And of course, you have to have butter with a baked potato.

The cheese gives you little chunks of cheesy potato goodness.

I was surprised that there was no salt in the dish. I felt that the potato definitely needed salt.

I think the only thing that would make this potato better would be a little sour cream and a sprinkle of chives.


1 Baking Potato

2 Tablespoons Grated Cheddar Cheese

2 Tablespoons Cream

2 Tablespoons Softened Butter

Bake the potato. Cut off the top and scoop out the inside. Do not break the skin. Mix the potato pulp with the cheddar, cream, and butter. Replace in the skins and bake four minutes in a very hot oven.

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