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Cheese and Fish?

Fish is something that just shouldn’t be paired with cheese. I mean, that is an old saying right. .

I honestly don’t know where I heard that from, but it is something that is always in the back of my mind.

Obviously I was skeptical of this recipe because of my strange belief.

I did not care for the bread crumbs in the bottom of the dish. There really didn’t seem to be a reason for them.

And they got super soggy during the cooking. I was careful to not scoop them up when I was serving the fish.

The sauce was a nice tomato sauce. But a chunky sauce, not a purée like pasta sauce.

I used Sole for the fish. A few months ago I had sent my husband to the fish market to purchase three or four fillets for dinner. He came home with two packs of sole! Sole is a very thin fish, so there were probably 30 fillets in between the two packs.

I used one of the packs that night and put the other in the freezer. I hate doing that to fresh fish - I generally do not care for frozen fish. Thankfully we live by the water, so the sole had been caught that morning. I think that helped it not taste fishy when defrosted.

I also am very careful defrosting fish. I place it in a sink filled with cold water. That way it can defrost slowly and never warms to room temperature.

I have to admit that I actually really enjoyed this dish. I didn’t think I would. There is not a huge amount of cheese, so it isn’t overpowering.

Somehow it worked!


1 Pound Fish Fillets

2 Tablespoons Fine Cracker Crumbs

1 Cup Canned Tomatoes

2 Tablespoons Chopped Onion

1/4 Teaspoon Salt

1/8 Teaspoon Black Pepper

1 tablespoon Butter

1/4 Cup Cheddar Cheese, Cut Fine

Grease a 1 quart shallow baking dish. Sprinkle cracker crumbs into dish. Lay fillets on crumbs. Combine tomatoes, onion, salt and pepper. Pour over fillets. Dot with butter and cheese. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 35 minutes.

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