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Candy Making Is Hard

Candy making is definitely an art. Sugar can be temperamental, so it takes some time and patience to get it right.

Unfortunately, this recipe did not cooperate at the end. I thought everything was going well. It looked right at least.

The problem is that the candy never really set.

It was very difficult to cut to start. I tried wrapping each piece in a wax paper candy wrapper.

I placed all the pieces on my island and left the house to do some things with my daughter.

When we came home there was an absolute mess in my kitchen!

All the candy had oozed out of the wrappers and was spread all over the island and onto the floor.

Fortunately the candy tasted wonderful. I really wish it had set up correctly.


4 Cups Maple Sirup

2 Cups Cream

1/4 Cup Butter

2 Cups Nuts, Chopped

1 Teaspoon Lemon Extract

Cook the maple sirup, cream, and butter for 9 minutes after the boiling point has been reached. Remove from heat, add the nuts and extract. Stir for 5 minutes. Pour into buttered pan. Once cool, cut into squares.

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