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Candied Pineapple

This is an interesting recipe. Basically – a lot of time for a pretty decent end product.

I cut up the fresh pineapple and followed the instructions. There is a lot of waiting time, spend five minutes prepping the pineapple and then wait 24 hours! Over three days!

The pineapple cooks down quite a bit, and becomes a jellied fruit snack. I was amazed at the texture difference. It really does feel and eat like a fruit snack.

I chose to roll the pieces in powdered sugar at the end. Depending on the size of your pineapple at the start, the recipe produces nearly a quart jar full of pieces.

The pineapple pieces are super sweet and delicious. There is none of the acid flavor pineapple usually has.

I would love to try the pineapple in a cake, as the recipe suggests, but honestly, they are a great snack all on their own!


1 ¾ Cups Granulated Sugar

1 Large Fresh Pineapple, Peeled and Cored, Then Sliced

Sprinkle half of the sugar into the bottom of a 13 x 9 baking pan. Arrange pineapple on top. Sprinkle with remaining sugar, cover with plastic wrap and allow to stand overnight at room temperature.

Cook pineapple slices and liquid over medium-high heat for 15 minutes. Remove slices with a slotted spoon and drain on a wire rack set over top of the baking pan. Once drained, place pineapple in baking pan, cover with remaining juices from skillet. Allow to stand overnight at room temperature.

Repeat cooking and draining process again.

If pineapple is to be used for fruitcake or steamed pudding, refrigerate between sheets of waxed paper in a covered container.

If it is to be served as candy, roll in powdered or granulated sugar and allow to dry overnight on racks to form crust.

If it is to be dipped into melted chocolate, dry overnight on wire rack before dipping.

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