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Candied Fruit!

I have always thought that poached pears were a fancy dessert. I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s because it is something you can only generally get at French restaurants and the like.

Having never poached pears, I thought it would be harder.

It really wasn’t difficult.

Boiling the water and sugar with the vanilla creates a lovely vanilla syrup. It has a slight caramel color.

Once the sugar water boiled I turned the burner down to medium low and added the pears. I scooped the liquid over the pears repeatedly to ensure that they were marinated well.

I flipped the pears halfway through and continued to marinate.

The pears came out very well cooked. Just the right amount of softness, and just the right amount of crispness.

Poaching pears was very simple really.


4 Pears

¾ Cup Water

¾ Cup Sugar

1 Teaspoon Vanilla

Peel pears, halve them and cut out the cores. Stand in cold water to keep them from turning dark. Heat the water, sugar and vanilla to the boiling point and cook for 5 minutes. Add the pear halves and poach gently, spooning the liquid over them from time to time and turning them once during the cooking. Continue cooking for about 15 minutes. Cool them in the syrup.

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