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Buttery Mess

This is not my first attempt at making butterscotch lace cookies. This is also not my first failure. For some reason I can not get this recipe to work.

And I followed it to the letter. I really don’t know where I am going wrong.

Pouring the brown sugar and butter over the oats and leaving it overnight causes the butter and sugar to melt into the oats, plumping them a little bit.

The idea of the cookie is to flatten and harden into a lace looking cookie.

Well, they definitely flatten. Unfortunately, the butter leaches out making a mess in the oven.

The cookies just never hardened properly. They flatten and become goo.

Just like every other time I have tried to make them.

Don’t worry, I am not about to give up. I will keep trying this recipe until I can get it right!


1 Cup Butter, Melted

1 1/2 Cups Brown Sugar

2 1/4 Cups Rolled Oats

1/2 Teaspoon Salt

1 Tablespoon Molasses

3 Tablespoons Flour

1 Egg, Beaten

1 Teaspoon Vanilla

Add sugar to melted butter. Pour over oats. Let stand at room temperature overnight. Heat oven to 375 degrees. Mix remaining ingredients into oats. Drop by teaspoons onto a heavily greased baking sheet about 2 inches apart. Bake 5 to 7 minutes. Allow to remain on cookie sheet until firm, then remove to a cooling rack.

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